Genesys PGR
Home > Requirements > Retesting Of Bugs.
Report generated 01-02-2021 08:55

Feature: Retesting Of Bugs.


Scenario details

Given user go to "/a" page

Then page "/a" is opened

And wait for spinner loading data

And wait until filters applied

Then default filter label "Excluding Historic" is applied

Then two state checkboxes option "No" in the block "Historic records" is checked

When enter "NGA" text to "Country of holding institute" filter input field

Then results in drop down hint contains "NGA" text

Given user go to "/a/overview" page

Then page "/a/overview" is opened

When wait until filters applied

Then default filter label "Excluding Historic" is applied

Then two state checkboxes option "No" in the block "Historic records" is checked

When get current quantity of filter labels

When user click on the option "Wild" from the block "Biological status of accession"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Biological status: Wild" above the accessions list is displayed

When get current quantity of filter labels

When user click on the option "Not specified" from the block "Type of Germplasm storage"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Data not provided: storage" above the accessions list is displayed

When get current quantity of filter labels

When user click on the option "Italy" from the block "Provenance of material"

When wait until filters applied

Then default filter label "Excluding Historic" is applied

Then two state checkboxes option "No" in the block "Historic records" is checked

Then info filter Label "Data not provided: storage" above the accessions list is displayed

When Send GET request to URL "{url}" and check "{statusCode}" status


urlstatusCode{example-result:Retesting of BUGs.!08.0003 Check status code status[0][1]}{example-result:Retesting of BUGs.!08.0003 Check status code status[0][2]}

Given user go to "" page

Then page "" is opened

Then user can see the information about updated files

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 3 75%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 1 25%
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 4
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
1m 2s 1h 6m 58s 125ms 33s 15s

Manual Tests

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Serenity BDD version 2.0.52