Genesys PGR
Home > Requirements > Testing PGRFA Networks Pages;
Report generated 01-02-2021 08:48

Feature: Testing PGRFA Networks Pages;


Scenario details

When user go to "/network" page

Then page "/network" is opened

Then header containing the text "Browse networks" is present

Then link with text "CGIAR Genebanks" is presented

Then link with text "EURISCO" is presented

Then link with text "International Coconut Genetic Resources Network" is presented

Then link with text "USDA ARS NPGS" is presented

When click on the link with text "EURISCO"

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user go to "/network/EURISCO" page

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then title of page is "EURISCO"

Then field "Title" on the details page contains text "EURISCO"

Then field "Short name" on the details page contains text "EURISCO"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the "Browse accessions" button

When wait for spinner loading data

Then page "/a/v2z1YagWzbW" is opened

Then header containing the text "Accession browser" is present

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then list of accession isn`t empty

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the "Accession overview" button

When wait for spinner loading data

Then page "/a/overview/v2z1YagWzbW" is opened

Then header containing the text "Accession overview" is present

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user login with username "admin.username" and password "admin.password" by header dropdown

When user click on the "Login" button in login dropdown

Then logged in icon is appeared on the header for admin user

When change browser`s window resolution to width 500 and height 700

Then hamburger button appears

When user click on the hamburger

Then button "Browse accessions" is present in the hamburger dropdown

Then button "Accession overview" is present in the hamburger dropdown

Then button "Edit" is present in the hamburger dropdown

Then button "Delete" is present in the hamburger dropdown

When change browser`s window resolution to width 600 and height 700

Then hamburger button disappears

When user go to "/network/EURISCO" page

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the option "UKR001" from the block "Holding Institute"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2DZJkxrZG5" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Holder: UKR001" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user go to "/network/EURISCO" page

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Czech Republic" from the block "Country of holding institute"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v29D13aVg7y" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Holder country: CZE Czech Republic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "potato" from the block "Crop"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2RV32d70ZA" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Crop: potato" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Malus" from the block "Genus name provided to Genesys"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2OkKAGl37J" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Genus: Malus" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Malus domestica" from the block "Species name provided to Genesys"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2aqBKeMdyx" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Species: Malus domestica" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Hybrid" from the block "Biological status of accession"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2LYG5yA7eP" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Biological status: Hybrid" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

Then option "Hybrid" in the block "Biological status of accession" is checked

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "DNA collection" from the block "Type of Germplasm storage"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2OkKAb1LVA" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Storage: DNA collection" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

Then option "DNA collection" in the block "Type of germplasm storage" is checked

When user go to "/network/EURISCO" page

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Bulgaria" from the block "Provenance of material"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2MYpBPW6j0" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Provenance: BGR Bulgaria" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Not specified" from the block "ITGPRFA Multi-lateral system"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2K1JB40ZjZ" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Data not provided: mlsStatus" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Not specified" from the block "AEGIS"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2gEklw28ja" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Data not provided: aegis" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Not available for distribution" from the block "Available for distribution"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2QA5LQ8YmY" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Excluding Available" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

When user click browser`s back button twice

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When user click on the option "Backed up in SGSV" from the block "Safety duplicated in Svalbard"

When wait until filters applied

Then page "/a/overview/v2j1zLMYA1m" is opened

Then info filter Label "Excluding Historic" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Backup in SGSV" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Network: EURISCO" above the accessions list is displayed

Given user go to "/network/EURISCO" page

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

Then header containing the text "Network details" is present

When click on the "RUS001" options link in the block "Holding Institute"

Then page "/wiews/RUS001" is opened

Then header containing the text "Genebank details" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When click on the "Germany" options link in the block "Country of holding institute"

Then page "/iso3166/DEU" is opened

Then header containing the text "ISO-3166 code DEU" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When click on the "rice" options link in the block "Crop"

Then page "/c/rice" is opened

Then header containing the text "General information" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When click on the "Spain" options link in the block "Provenance of material"

Then page "/iso3166/ESP" is opened

Then header containing the text "ISO-3166 code ESP" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When click on the "GBR011" options link in the block "FAO WIEWS code of donor institute"

Then page "/wiews/GBR011" is opened

Then header containing the text "Genebank details" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When click on the "GBR006" options link in the block "Site of safety duplication"

Then page "/wiews/GBR006" is opened

Then header containing the text "Genebank details" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/network/EURISCO" is opened

When click on the "UKR001" options link in the block "Breeder code"

Then page "/wiews/UKR001" is opened

Then header containing the text "Genebank details" is present

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 1 33%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 2 67%
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 3
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
3m 4s 45m 27s 19s 2m 4s 1m 1s

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 2.0.52