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Home > Requirements > Testing My List Page
Report generated 01-02-2021 09:18

Feature: Testing My List Page


Scenario details

Given user go to "/a" page

Then page "/a" is opened

When wait for spinner loading data

When wait until filters applied

And Select First two accessions in the Accessions table

And user gets current names of added accessions

Then Selcounter has two accessions

When Click on the menu item My List

Then page "/sel" is opened

And first two selected accessions are in the list

Then expected accessions was added to My List

When user remove all accessions from the list

Then You have not added any accessions to the list title is present

Given user go to "/sel" page

Then page "/sel" is opened

When user click on the "Add multiple accessions" button

Then popup "Type multiple accessions" is presented

When user enter "ITC0002" to the "Accession numbers" field number "1"

When user press enter

When user click on the "Confirm" button

Then popup "Type multiple accessions" isn`t presented

When user click on the "Request for material" button

Then header containing the text "Requesting samples from holding institutes" is present

Then page "/requests/create" is opened

When user click on the "Next step" button

Then page "/requests/create/request-info" is opened

When user click on the "Internal request (no SMTA required)" button

When user enter "nameQA" to the "Name" field number "1"

When user enter "surnameQA" to the "Surname" field number "1"

When user enter "" to the "Your e-mail address as registered in Easy-SMTA" field number "1"

When user enter "test street, testQA 12345" to the "Address" field number "1"

When user enter "UKR" to the "ISO3 Country code" field number "1"

When user click on the "UKR" button

Then button "Next step" isn`t clickable

When user click on the "Research for food and agriculture" button

Then button "Next step" is clickable

When user click on the "Next step" button

Then page "/requests/create/submit" is opened

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 2 100%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 0
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 2
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
43s 22m 45s 16s 26s 21s

Manual Tests

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Serenity BDD version 2.0.52