Genesys PGR
Home > Requirements > Testing Public Descriptorlists Page
Report generated 01-02-2021 08:47

Feature: Testing Public Descriptorlists Page


Scenario details

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then page is opened and url is "/descriptorlists"

Then text in header is equals "Descriptor lists"

And wait until filters applied

And list of displayed descriptor list cards isn`t empty

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When user select option "Title" from Sort by dropdown on the descriptor list page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists?d=ASC&s=title"

When user select option "Version" from Sort by dropdown on the descriptor list page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists?s=versionTag"

When user select option "Created date" from Sort by dropdown on the descriptor list page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists?s=createdDate"

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When enter "Taxa of pest" text to "Full-text query" filter input field

When get current quantity of filter labels descriptors page

When user click on the "Apply filters" button

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Text: Taxa of pest" above the descriptors list is displayed

Then descriptor list with title "World Vegetable Center biotic stress descriptors for tomato" is presented

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When user select option "Genesys" from "Data provider" filter`s dropdown

When get current quantity of filter labels descriptors page

When user click on the "Apply filters" button

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Data provider: Genesys" above the descriptors list is displayed

Then list of displayed descriptor list cards isn`t empty

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When user select option "Barley" in block "Crop"

When get current quantity of filter labels descriptors page

When user click on the "Apply filters" button

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Crop: barley" above the descriptors list is displayed

Then descriptor list with title "Genesys 1 descriptors for barley" is presented

Then descriptor list with title "NGBT descriptors for barley" is presented

Then descriptor list with title "Descriptors for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)" is presented

When user remove filter label with text "Crop: barley"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Crop: barley" above the descriptors list isn`t displayed

When get current quantity of filter labels descriptors page

When user exclude option "Coffee" in block "Crop"

When user click on the "Apply filters" button

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Excluding Crop: coffee" above the descriptors list is displayed

Then list of displayed descriptor list cards isn`t empty

And descriptor list with title "Genesys 1 descriptors for lentil" is presented

When user unselect option "Coffee" in block "Crop"

When user click on the "Apply filters" button

When wait until filters applied

Then filter labels arn`t displayed on the descriptor list page

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When user enter to the "Original publisher" text filter text "Genesys"

When get current quantity of filter labels descriptors page

When user click on the "Apply filters" button

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Publisher: Genesys" above the descriptors list is displayed

Then descriptor list with title "Genesys multi-crop passport descriptors" is presented

When user remove filter label with text "Publisher: genesys"

When wait until filters applied

Then filter labels arn`t displayed on the descriptor list page

And list of displayed descriptor list cards isn`t empty

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When user click on the "Genesys 1 descriptors for faba bean" card with name

Then header containing the text "Descriptor list details" is present

Then title of page is "Genesys 1 descriptors for faba bean"

Then field "Crop" on the details page contains text "Faba bean"

Then field "Publisher" on the details page contains text "Not specified"

Then field "Bibliographic citation" on the details page contains text ""

Then field "Maintained by" on the details page contains text "Genesys"

Then field "Version" on the details page contains text "genesys1"

When user click on the "Download" button

Then download popup with header "Before you download" is presented

When user click on the "Start download" download button

Then downloading of file is successful

When user click on the "Print version" button

Then page "" is opened on the new tab

Given user go to "/descriptorlists" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists"

When wait until filters applied

When user click on the "Genesys 1 descriptors for barley" card with name

Then header containing the text "Descriptor list details" is present

Then title of page is "Genesys 1 descriptors for barley"

When user click on the "Aleurone Colour" card with name

Then page "/descriptors/62f84893-2804-456f-b942-7cdb77264b52" is opened

Then header containing the text "Descriptor details" is present

Then title of page is "Aleurone Colour"

Then field "Crop" on the details page contains text "Barley"

Then field "Version" on the details page contains text "genesys1"

Then field "Category" on the details page contains text "CHARACTERIZATION"

Then field "Maintained by" on the details page contains text "Genesys"

Then information block with title "Descriptor definition" is presented

Then field "Descriptor type" on the details page contains text "CODED"

Then field "Database name" on the details page contains text "ALEURONCOL"

Then information block with title "Descriptor coding table" is presented

Then information block with title "Crop descriptors" is presented

Then information block with title "Record metadata" is presented

Then field "UUID" on the details page contains text "62f84893-2804-456f-b942-7cdb77264b52"

Then field "Record version" on the details page contains text "3"

Then field "Last updated" on the details page contains text "27 December 2018"

When user click on the "Back" button

Then page "/descriptors?s=id" is opened

Then text in header is equals "Descriptor definitions"

Given user go to "/descriptorlists/4204c2d9-9536-44de-ad59-c9e2b551e173" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists/4204c2d9-9536-44de-ad59-c9e2b551e173"

Then header containing the text "Descriptor list details" is present

Then title of page is "Genesys 1 descriptors for barley"

When user click on the "Awn Type" item from table of content

Then page "/descriptorlists/4204c2d9-9536-44de-ad59-c9e2b551e173#d-9cc32b1d-510c-44db-ab13-cfd414efcfa8" is opened

When scroll descriptor detailslist page to the top

When user click on the "Winter Kill" item from table of content

Then page "/descriptorlists/4204c2d9-9536-44de-ad59-c9e2b551e173#d-86170333-9644-474b-94a4-ba9096292c74" is opened

When scroll descriptor detailslist page to the top

When user click on the "Straw color" item from table of content

Then page "/descriptorlists/4204c2d9-9536-44de-ad59-c9e2b551e173#d-25e40bdb-473c-4761-a4b7-b264cb3c401c" is opened

Given user go to "/descriptorlists/overview" page

Then user on the page "/descriptorlists/overview"

Then wait until filters applied

When click on the "pigeonpea" options link in the block "Crop names"

Then page "/c/pigeonpea" is opened

Then header containing the text "General information" is present

When user click browser`s back button

Then page "/descriptorlists/overview" is opened

When click on the "CATIE" options link in the block "Maintainer"

Then page "/partners/2dec78d0-2347-4493-8df9-334570774bb8" is opened

Then header containing the text "Data provider details" is present

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 7 70%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 3 30%
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 10
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
3m 21s 1h 18m 47s 13s 35s 20s

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