Genesys PGR
Home > Requirements > Testing Header
Report generated 01-02-2021 09:46

Feature: Testing Header


Scenario details

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Explore all accessions"

Then page is opened and url is "/a/overview"

Then text in header is equals "Accession overview"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Crops and crop groups"

Then page is opened and url is "/c"

Then text in header is equals "Crop list"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Core collections and other subsets"

Then page is opened and url is "/subsets"

Then text in header is equals "Subset browser"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Characterization & Evaluation data"

Then page is opened and url is "/datasets"

Then text in header is equals "Datasets"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Crop descriptor lists"

Then page is opened and url is "/descriptorlists"

Then text in header is equals "Descriptor lists"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Provenance of PGRFA"

Then page is opened and url is "/iso3166"

Then text in header is equals "Provenance of PGRFA"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "Data providers to Genesys"

Then page is opened and url is "/partners?s=id"

Then text in header is equals "Data providers"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Explore"

And select sub menu item "PGRFA networks"

Then page is opened and url is "/network"

Then text in header is equals "Browse networks"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "About Genesys"

And select sub menu item "About Genesys"

Then page is opened and url is "/content/about/about"

Then text in header is equals "About Genesys"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "About Genesys"

And select sub menu item "Join Genesys"

Then page is opened and url is "/content/about/join"

Then text in header is equals "How to join Genesys?"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "About Genesys"

And select sub menu item "Citation and attribution"

Then page is opened and url is "/content/legal/copying"

Then text in header is equals "On use of Data"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "About Genesys"

And select sub menu item "Recent activity"

Then page is opened and url is "/content/news"

Then text in header is equals "Browse activity posts"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "About Genesys"

And select sub menu item "Contact us"

Then page is opened and url is "/content/about/contact"

Then text in header is equals "Contact Genesys Team"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Login"

And select sub menu item "Forgot password"

Then page is opened and url is "/forgot-password"

Then text in header is equals "To reset your password, you have to provide your registered email address."

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

And Hover mouse over "Login"

And select sub menu item "Registration"

Then page is opened and url is "/registration"

Then text in header is equals "Create your account"

And click on the Genesys Logo

Then page is opened and url is "/"

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When Hover mouse over "English"

And select "Arabic" Language

Then Selected language is applied "استكشاف"

Then user on the page "/ar/"

When Hover mouse over "Arabic"

And select "English" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Explore"

Then user on the page "/"

When Hover mouse over "English"

And select "Czech" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Prozkoumat"

Then user on the page "/cs/"

When Hover mouse over "Czech"

And select "German" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Untersuchen"

Then user on the page "/de/"

When Hover mouse over "German"

And select "Spanish" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Explorar"

Then user on the page "/es/"

When Hover mouse over "Spanish"

And select "Farsi" Language

Then Selected language is applied "مرور"

Then user on the page "/fa/"

When Hover mouse over "Farsi"

And select "French" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Explorer"

Then user on the page "/fr/"

When Hover mouse over "French"

And select "Portuguese" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Explorar"

Then user on the page "/pt/"

When Hover mouse over "Portuguese"

And select "Russian" Language

Then Selected language is applied "Исследовать"

Then user on the page "/ru/"

When Hover mouse over "Russian"

And select "Chinese" Language

Then Selected language is applied "浏览"

Then user on the page "/zh/"

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user login with username "admin.username" and password "admin.password" by header dropdown

When user click on the "Login" button in login dropdown

Then logged in icon is appeared on the header for admin user

Then user select "My dashboard" from logged user dropdown

When user select dashboard menu item "Profile"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/profile"

When user select dashboard menu item "Catalog"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/datasets"

When user select dashboard menu item "Subsets"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/subsets"

When user select dashboard menu item "Taxonomy"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/t"

When user select "My dashboard" from logged user dropdown

When Hover mouse over "Profile"

And select dashboard sub menu items "User profile"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/profile"

Then dashboard header "profile information" is presented

When Hover mouse over "Profile"

And select dashboard sub menu items "Change password"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/profile/password"

Then dashboard header "Password change" is presented

When Hover mouse over "Catalog"

And select dashboard sub menu items "Descriptor lists"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/descriptorlists"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

Then wait until filters applied

When Hover mouse over "Catalog"

And select dashboard sub menu items "Descriptors"

Then user on the page "/dashboard/descriptors?d=DESC&s=lastModifiedDate"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

Then wait until filters applied

Then user select "Administration" from logged user dropdown

Then user on the page "/admin"

Then admin graphs is presented

When user select dashboard menu item "User management"

Then user on the page "/admin/users"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

When user select dashboard menu item "KPI"

Then user on the page "/admin/kpi"

Then dashboard header "KPI management" is presented

When user select dashboard menu item "Requests"

Then user on the page "/admin/requests"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

When user select dashboard menu item "CMS"

Then user on the page "/admin/content"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

When user select dashboard menu item "Vocabulary"

Then user on the page "/admin/vocabulary?s=id"

Then dashboard header "Browse vocabularies" is presented

When user select dashboard menu item "File repository"

Then user on the page "/admin/repository/f/"

Then folder "datasets" is presented

When user select dashboard menu item "Cluster"

Then user on the page "/admin/hazelcast"

When user select dashboard menu item "Loggers"

Then user on the page "/admin/log"

Then user select "Administration" from logged user dropdown

Then user on the page "/admin"

Then admin graphs is presented

When Hover mouse over "User management"

When select dashboard sub menu items "OAuth clients"

Then user on the page "/admin/oauth"

Then dashboard header "Browse OAuth2 Clients" is presented

When Hover mouse over "Requests"

When select dashboard sub menu items "Requests to genebanks"

Then user on the page "/admin/subrequests"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

When Hover mouse over "CMS"

When select dashboard sub menu items "Activity posts"

Then user on the page "/admin/content/activity-post"

Then button "Apply filters" is present

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 1 100%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 0
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 1
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
1m 56s 116ms 1m 56s 1m 56s 1m 56s

Automated Tests

Scenario Steps Start Time Duration Result
10.ALL Tests for header; 207 SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 2.0.52