Genesys PGR
Home > Requirements > Testing Crops Page
Report generated 01-02-2021 08:57

Feature: Testing Crops Page


Scenario details

When user go to "/c/" page

Then user on the page "/c/"

When user go to "/c/" page

Then user on the page "/c/"

When user click on the "Banana" Crop Icon

Then user is on the "Banana" details page "/c/banana"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the Accessions in genesys link

And wait until filters applied

Then option "Banana" in the block "Crop" is checked

Then info filter Label "Crop: banana" above the accessions list is displayed

Then list of accession isn`t empty

When user go to "/c/banana" page

Then user is on the "Banana" details page "/c/banana"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the "Browse accessions" button

And wait until filters applied

Then option "Banana" in the block "Crop" is checked

Then info filter Label "Crop: banana" above the accessions list is displayed

Then list of accession isn`t empty

When user go to "/c/banana" page

Then user is on the "Banana" details page "/c/banana"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the option "AUS043" from the block "Holding institutes"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Crop: banana" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Holder: AUS043" above the accessions list is displayed

Then option "AUS043" on the block "Holding Institute" is displayed

Then option "banana" on the block "Crop" is displayed

When user go to "/c/barley" page

Then user is on the "Barley" details page "/c/barley"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the option "GBR" from the block "Country of holding institute"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Holder country: GBR United Kingdom" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Crop: barley" above the accessions list is displayed

Then option "United Kingdom" on the block "Country of holding institute" is displayed

Then option "barley" on the block "Crop" is displayed

When user go to "/c/chillies" page

Then user is on the "Chillies" details page "/c/chillies"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the option "Capsicum" from the block "Most represented Genera"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Crop: chillies" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Genus: Capsicum" above the accessions list is displayed

Then option "Capsicum" on the block "Genus name provided to Genesys" is displayed

Then option "chillies" on the block "Crop" is displayed

When user go to "/c/pigeonpea" page

Then user is on the "Pigeonpea" details page "/c/pigeonpea"

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

When user click on the option "Cajanus sp." from the block "Most represented Species"

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Crop: pigeonpea" above the accessions list is displayed

Then info filter Label "Species: Cajanus sp." above the accessions list is displayed

Then option "Cajanus sp." on the block "Species name provided to Genesys" is displayed

Then option "pigeonpea" on the block "Crop" is displayed

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user login with username "admin.username" and password "admin.password" by header dropdown

When user click on the "Login" button in login dropdown

Then logged in icon is appeared on the header for admin user

When user go to "/c/" page

Then user on the page "/c/"

When user click on the "Banana" Crop Icon

Then user on the page "/c/banana"

When user click on the "Edit" button

Then user on the page "/c/banana/edit"

Then input fields are presented on the crop edit page

Then text editor Updating article in "en" language isn`t empty

When user click on the "Back to banana details" button

Then user on the page "/c/banana"

When user click on the "Permissions" button

Then popup "Manage permissions" is presented

When user click on the "Close" button

Then user on the page "/c/banana"

Then popup "Manage permissions" isn`t presented

When user go to "/c/barley" page

Then user on the page "/c/barley"

When change browser`s window resolution to width 500 and height 700

Then hamburger button appears

When user click on the hamburger

Then button "Browse accessions" is present in the hamburger dropdown

Then button "Edit" is present in the hamburger dropdown

Then button "Permissions" is present in the hamburger dropdown

Then button "Link accessions" is present in the hamburger dropdown

When change browser`s window resolution to width 600 and height 700

Then hamburger button disappears

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 8 100%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 0
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 8
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
2m 1s 1h 11m 0s 5s 20s 15s

Manual Tests

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Serenity BDD version 2.0.52