Genesys PGR
Home > Requirements > Testing Home Page
Report generated 01-02-2021 09:11

Feature: Testing Home Page


Scenario details

Given user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

Then "English" language is selected

Then "Recent activity" block is displayed on the home page

Then "Highlighted crops" block is displayed on the home page

Then "Genesys is possible because of" block is displayed on the home page

Then "Acknowledgements" block is displayed on the home page

When user click on the stat button contains "Accession records" text

Then Explore page is opened "/a/overview"

And "Accession overview" page header is present

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the stat button contains "Subsets" text

Then page "/subsets" is opened

And "Subset browser" page header is present

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the stat button contains "C&E Datasets" text

Then page "/datasets/overview" is opened

And "Datasets" page header is present

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

Then Search field is present

When set current quantity of filter labels 1

Then page "/" is opened

When user input search data "AGB1783" in the search field and click enter key

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Text: AGB1783" above the accessions list is displayed

Then the search results match the query

When set current quantity of filter labels 0

When user go to "/" page

Then page "/" is opened

When user select option "Datasets" from the dropdown on the home page

When user input search data "LG0202" in the search field and click enter key

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Text: LG0202" above the dataset list is displayed

Then dataset with title "LG0202 -Lentil germplasm evaluation" is presented

When set current quantity of filter labels 0

When user go to "/" page

Then page "/" is opened

When user select option "Subsets" from the dropdown on the home page

When user input search data "Durum wheat Salinity FIGS subset" in the search field and click enter key

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Text: Durum wheat Salinity FIGS subset" above the subsets list is displayed

Then subset with title "Durum wheat Salinity FIGS subset" is presented

When set current quantity of filter labels 0

When user go to "/" page

Then page "/" is opened

When user select option "Descriptors" from the dropdown on the home page

When user input search data "NPGRL descriptors for yam" in the search field and click enter key

When wait until filters applied

Then info filter Label "Text: NPGRL descriptors for yam" above the descriptors list is displayed

Then descriptor list with title "NPGRL descriptors for yam" is presented

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When click on the link with text "Browse all posts"

Then user on the page "/content/news"

When user click on the post "Testing" on recent activity block

Then user on the page "/content/news/43/testing"

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the post "New Genesys website" on recent activity block

Then user on the page "/content/news/27/new-genesys-website"

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the post "Catalog of phenotypic datasets" on recent activity block

Then user on the page "/content/news/25/catalog-of-phenotypic-datasets"

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When click on the first highlighted crop

Then User on the opened highlighted crop page

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the "Providers of plant genetic resources" card from Genesys is possible block

Then page "/iso3166" is opened

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the "Data providers to Genesys" card from Genesys is possible block

Then page "/partners" is opened

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the "Donor funding" card from Genesys is possible block

Then page "/content/about/about" is opened

When user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the "WIEWS Institute Table" card from Acknowledgements block

Then page "" is opened on the new tab

When user close current tab

When user switch to tab number 1

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the "WorldClim" card from Acknowledgements block

Then page "" is opened on the new tab

When user close current tab

When user switch to tab number 1

Then user on the page "/"

When user click on the "GRIN Taxonomy" card from Acknowledgements block

Then page "" is opened on the new tab

Given user go to "/" page

Then user on the page "/"

When User click on the link with name "Browse all crops in Genesys"

Then user on the page "/c"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "African yam bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Amaranth"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Apple"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Bambara groundnut"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Banana"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Barley"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Beans"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Black gram"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Breadfruit"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Cassava"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Chickpea"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Chillies"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Coconut"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Coffee"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Cowage"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Cowpea"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Eggplant"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Faba bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Finger millet"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Forages"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Grass pea"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Ground bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Groundnuts"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Jack bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Jicama"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Lablab bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Lentil"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Lettuce"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Maize"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Mung beans"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Peach palm"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Pearl millet"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Pigeonpea"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Potato"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Pumpkin"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Rice"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Rice bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Sapota"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Sesame"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Sorghum"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Soybeans"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Spider plant"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Squashes"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Sunflower"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Sweet potato"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Sword bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Taro"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Tomato"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Winged bean"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Wheat"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Yam"

Then Crop list contains elements with text "Yard long bean"

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 4 100%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 0
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 4
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
3m 23s 30m 15s 9s 1m 45s 50s

Manual Tests

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Serenity BDD version 2.0.52